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Library Strategy Committee is a sub-committee of Academic Council with responsibility for ensuring that the Library develops and maintains appropriate services, collections and facilities for staff, students and other users in accordance with the University’s strategic plan and the academic needs of the University community.

The Library Strategy Committee brings together a broad range of stakeholders to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Library, providing feedback and views that will help to shape the development of Library services and collections in line with academic needs and the priorities of the University, while providing strategic oversight and ensuring accountability of the Library.

The Committee takes a strategic role, shaping the development of the Library in accordance with the University’s strategy and the Library’s strategic plan. It is intended that membership is a stimulating and fulfilling experience, with the opportunity to contribute positively. Members work closely with the Library, drawing on the Library team’s specialist expertise, deepening their understanding through briefings and previewing, questioning and advising on new developments to deliver positive outcomes for all. They influence strongly at and beyond meetings, advocating for the Library and championing its role on campus and externally