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Using Data in Research

The Library guides students and researchers who want to incorporate new data methods, tools, and technologies into their projects. Our team helps evaluate which tool or technology will meet your objectives and points you to the relevant resources and guidelines.


  • Expert guidance and skill development.
  • Resource access and enhanced research quality.

Key services

  • Data Collection & Modelling
    • Data Collection guidance on web scraping and using tools like Google Forms.
    • Data Preprocessing assistance with OCR and OpenRefine for data cleaning.
    • Linked Data advice for linked data management.
  • Data Analysis
    • Advice on Natural Language Processing technologies and Text and Data Mining corpus tools.
    • Data Visualisation guidance on MS Excel, Tableau, Gephi, Dash, and Shiny.
    • Programming Languages & Tools information on Python, R, and Git.
    • Assistance with Machine Learning methods and tools.
    • Advice on fair use of AI Tools for literature search, coding and writing assistance, and creating visuals.
  • Workshop and webinars

Read the AI for Research Guide

Contact: Oksana Dereza, Digital Library Developer. Booking a consultation is required.