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The Library offers free 3D printing to registered students and staff. Please allow plenty of time for your item to be completed as there may be many items ahead of yours in the queue.

Unsure about where to start? Check out our handy guide to 3D printing! 

Terms and Conditions

If a printed item is not collected within 7 days, it becomes the property of the Library and may be recycled. 

Globally, we are becoming more conscious of our plastic waste which is having devastating effects of our oceans and wildlife. We at the MakerSpace would appreciate if you would take the time to ask yourself - "Is this 3D model going to help me with my education or project?" If not, please help us help the planet.

As this is a free service, the Library reserves the right to deny a print request if it would result in a disproportionately high use of the limited materials available. If your request is too big, we may not be able to process it for free.

The service cannot be used to print items that fall into any of these categories:

  • Prohibited by law including but not limited to weapons and models of weapons.
  • Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others.
  • Obscene or otherwise inappropriate items.
  • In violation of another's intellectual property rights including copyright, patent or trademark protection.

Any Questions

Eileen Kennedy

Eileen Kennedy

Library Digital Experience Developer
Email: eileen.kennedyAt
091 49 2549