- My Library Account
- Collections
The Library provides access to books, electronic resources, archives, special collections, and more to support your learning and research.
- Research
The Library is committed to supporting your research needs with expert guidance and resources.
- Studying
- Academic Skills Service for Students
- Academic Writing Centre
- Assistive Technology Area
- Borrowing Limits, Lost Books & Fines
- Digital Literacy
- Equipment & More
- Group Study Rooms
- Library & IT Service Desk
- MakerSpace for Students
- Past Exam Papers
- Photocopying & Printing
- Shannon College Library
- Study Spaces
- Tour Timetable
- Using Other Libraries
The Library has all the resources and supports you need to be successful in your studies at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Whether you're just starting your studies or working on your final project, we're here to help.
- Teaching
We are here to help lecturers and academic staff deliver quality teaching and support their students' success.
- About
- Workshops & Events
Accessing Our Collections
Conditions of Access
The role of the Archives Service is to preserve archival collections for future generations, as well as providing as much access as possible. To achieve this balance there are special conditions governing access to this material, which is unique and irreplaceable. It is important that researchers follow these conditions, and if they have any questions regarding the handling of material that they contact an Archivist within the service.
Those wishing to consult archival material must register by completing and signing the Registration Form, and producing proof of identity, such as a University ID, or a driver's licence. In signing the registration form, you are agreeing to adhere to the Conditions of Use of the Archives and Special Collections Reading Room. This document also includes guidelines on making copies of archival material, correctly referencing archival material, and the obligations of the researcher under copyright.
Be sure to compete the Copyright Declaration Form.
If any clarification is needed on anything in this document, please contact an Archivist.
Contact Us

Kieran Hoare
Email: kieran.hoareuniversityofgalway.ie
091 49 3636

Dr. Barry Houlihan
Email: barry.houlihanuniversityofgalway.ie
091 49 3353

Niamh Ní Charra
Email: niamh.nicharrauniversityofgalway.ie
091 49 3476