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How Do I Search?

Archival collections are available for consultation in the Archives and Special Collections Reading Room. A list of archival collections available for consultation is available at Archives. You can browse through the list, and there are links our to more detailed descriptive lists and digital resources associated with the collection where available.

A more detailed listing of archives to series, file and item level is available at the Archives Catalogue. Here you can search across all our collections using the search box on the right hand side, or click into the 'What is in the Catalogue' link on the left hand side.

This catalogue contains both collection/fonds level descriptions for the majority of our archives collections, and their accompanying detailed catalogues. Each collection/fonds level description gives a summary of content, as well as information about the historical context and background of the collection.

New collections are added to this archive catalogue on a regular basis, however information about some of our collections is not yet available online. If you wish to enquire about the archives of the University, or about the Abbey Theatre Digital Archive, please get in touch using the information on the Contact Us page. If you would like more information on any of our archives, please contact us in this way.

When you find an item you wish to consult take a note of the reference number. This is the unique identifying number that will be used to retrieve the item, and is also used to reference the document. When you know which material you wish to consult, simply email with the reference numbers and when you would like to call in. If this can be done a day or so in advance of coming in it gives us time to retrieve the material for you. If you have any questions as you are conducting your search, please feel free to contact us at the same email address and we will help where we can.

The reading room is available for all staff and student of University of Galway conducting research using archives and special collections material, as well as all bona fide external researchers.