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The Archive collections of the University of Galway Library comprise over 400 collections dating from the fifteenth century to the present day. Archives are records of enduring value in a range of formats that provide evidence, information, and understanding on the past as well as on the present. Collections comprise materials of parchment, paper, moving image, audio, photographs, maps, electronic and born digital material in a range of media.
The archives collect and preserve a historical and contemporary record of life, society, and culture on the island of Ireland and beyond, in English and in Irish. From our bi-lingual heartland in the west of Ireland, the archive collections present cultural treasures that enable new discoveries and inspire new teaching, studies, learning, collaborations, exhibitions, and more through a tangible means of exploring and understanding the past. We share our collections digitally with users all over the world, connecting all to the histories and memories within the archives.
Areas of collection strengths include landscape and folklore of the west of Ireland, Irish music and language, landed estates, business records, theatre, film and performing arts, writing and literature in English and in Irish, photographic collections, human rights, politics, and conflict, among many others.
Our archive collections are searchable and accessible to all readers. Search our collections to discover more, to arrange a visit, or to explore our collections digitally online.

Kieran Hoare
Email: kieran.hoareuniversityofgalway.ie
091 49 3636

Dr. Barry Houlihan
Email: barry.houlihanuniversityofgalway.ie
091 49 3353

Niamh Ní Charra
Email: niamh.nicharrauniversityofgalway.ie
091 49 5462