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QA808 Library Complaints Procedure


The Library is committed to providing the best possible service to users. Letting us know when we have not done do helps to improve the users experience for all.

Any user who wishes to make a complaint can be confident that it will be dealt with promptly and in confidence. Complaints can be made in person or by telephone, letter or letter.

Complaints Procedure

Stage 1: Informal Complaint at Point of Service

Any user experiencing a problem is advised to report it to a staff member as soon as possible. All staff are trained to be open to complaints and to respond to them fairly.

Stage 2: Formal Complaint in Writing

If you are not happy with the first response you receive you can make a more formal complaint to the Head of Marketing & Engagement (details below) who will investigate your complaint and get back to you within 5 working days.

Stage 3: Student Complaints Procedure

In the unlikely event that a complaint is still unresolved students may use the formal

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Monica Crump

Monica Crump

Tel: 091 49 3712