- My Library Account
- Collections
The Library provides access to books, electronic resources, archives, special collections, and more to support your learning and research.
- Research
The Library is committed to supporting your research needs with expert guidance and resources.
- Studying
- Academic Skills Service for Students
- Academic Writing Centre
- Assistive Technology Area
- Borrowing Limits, Lost Books & Fines
- Digital Literacy
- Equipment & More
- Group Study Rooms
- Library & IT Service Desk
- MakerSpace for Students
- Past Exam Papers
- Photocopying & Printing
- Shannon College Library
- Study Spaces
- Tour Timetable
- Using Other Libraries
The Library has all the resources and supports you need to be successful in your studies at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Whether you're just starting your studies or working on your final project, we're here to help.
- Teaching
We are here to help lecturers and academic staff deliver quality teaching and support their students' success.
- About
- Workshops & Events
Academic Skills Service for Staff
Request a Library Workshop
All our workshops can be embedded into your courses. Simply fill out the booking form, specifying which workshop you would like and a date that suits. If you would like to discuss specific learning outcomes for a session, you can contact Academic Skills directly at academicskills@universityofgalway.ie
The Academic Skills workshops are also available as drop-in classes to support all Undergraduate and Master’s Students in finding, using, and managing information.
These workshops support all Undergraduate and Taught Master’s Students in finding, using, and managing information. Click each header below to view a description and learning outcomes.
First Year In
Get off to a flying start and learn about using scholarly sources, using the Library catalogue & getting the most out of your Library to make your first year a success.
Upon successful completion of this workshop, students will be able to:
- Explain what is meant by scholarly sources and why it is important to use this type of information in academic work
- Recognise the library catalogue as the gateway to, and key source for, scholarly sources
- Use the library catalogue to carry out a simple search for a book and a journal article from a reading list
- Identify the supports and services offered by the library to support the student journey
FAB: Finding Articles and Books
Learn about the main features of the library catalogue, databases and how to search effectively for scholarly articles, books, ebooks.
Upon successful completion of this workshop, students will be able to:
- Search the library catalogue for books and journal articles using title/ author, or keywords
- Use features such as Boolean commands, phrase searching and filters to broaden or narrow keyword search results
- Identify print and electronic resources, locate print items within the library, access and manipulate electronic resources
- Find information regarding databases relevant to their subject area
Cite Them Right
Learn the basics of referencing, tools to help you manage your references and tips on maintaining good academic integrity including emerging challenges such as contract cheating and AI.
Upon successful completion of this workshop, students will be able to:
- Explain the meaning and importance of academic integrity and avoid practices that lead to academic misconduct
- Understand the principal of citing and referencing and how proper use can prevent accidental plagiarism
- Use in-text citations and references/footnotes appropriately
- Recognise that there are many different styles of citing and referencing
- Identify resources and tools to help with citing and referencing
An Introduction to Endnote for Citing & Referencing
Learn how to use Endnote to manage your reference library and use Cite While You Write (CWYW) to cite and reference in Microsoft Word
Upon successful completion of this workshop, students will be able to:
- Download the Endnote software for either Windows or Mac.
- Create an Endnote library.
- Export records from the library catalogue and key databases
- Use Cite While You Write (CWYW) in Microsoft Word to create citations and a reference list.
Literature Review: An Introduction to Searching the Literature
Learn how to find, use and manage information to conduct a literature review
Upon successful completion of this workshop, students will be able to:
- Define what is meant by a literature review and why it’s important in the research process
- Explain the importance of and how to narrow down a topic and articulate a research question
- Explain the difference between scholarly and popular sources and critically evaluate information
- Search for information effectively using Boolean operators, truncation and wildcards
- Identify resources and tools to help with citing and referencing
Self-Directed Library Guides
Check out the below guides for help getting started in the Library and conducting research.
Academic Skills Librarians & Assistants

Siobhan Carroll
Marketing/Engagement/Academic Skills Assistant
Email: siobhan.carrolluniversityofgalway.ie
091 49 5229

Jane Egan
Academic Skills Assistant
Email: jane.eganuniversityofgalway.ie
Gabi Honan
Inter-Library Loans/Academic Skills Assistant
Email: gabi.honanuniversityofgalway.ie
091 49 5229

Regina Lyons
Academic Skills Assistant
Email: regina.lyonsuniversityofgalway.ie
091 49 5229

Mike Smalle
Academic Skills Librarian
Email: michael.smalleuniversityofgalway.ie
091 49 5228