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AWC Online is a collection of writing and peer-reviewing editing exercises which lets students develop their writing skills. Students are assigned weekly writing and editing tasks.

The AWC takes on a supportive role throughout the course. Students receive weekly readings and emails.

AWC (Academic Writing Centre) Online is now used by the following disciplines: Earth and Ocean Sciences (1st year students), Science (2nd year students), Law (2nd year students) and Engineering (1st year students).


The project aims to design a course on academic writing which uses partial supervision and peer-editing, an efficient and timely method of increasing students’ writing proficiency.


AWC Online was developed as a staff-student EXPLORE project by Dr Ira Ruppo Malone (staff partner) and Patricia O’Beirne (student partner).

The project partners found that the abundance of grammar guides on the internet contrasted with the scarcity of opportunities for students to practice their writing in a guided manner.

AWC Online addresses this problem by enabling students to learn from each other. AWC Online differs from currently available online writing courses. The course’s design is based on research into different approaches to teaching writing.