Chat is Offline


We are opening from 13th January, 2025!

Monday: 11am - 3pm and 5pm - 7pm
Tuesday: 11am - 3pm
Wednesday:  11am - 3pm and 5pm - 7pm
Thursday:11am - 3pm
Saturday: 11am -1pm

Students who need help with essays in Irish, can come during the following times:

Monday: 5pm - 7pm
Tuesday 11am -1pm 
Wednesday: 5pm - 7pm
Saturday: 11am - 1pm

Please register here for updates about additional opening hours, upcoming workshops and other events. 

Where To Find Us

The Academic Writing Centre (AWC) provides one-on-one tutorials and email consultations on essay writing. These are free and available to everyone, regardless of experience or grade average. We are located on floor 2 of the main Library




What We Do

We Provide:

  • Free virtual and in-person one-on-one tutorials and email consultations
  • Irish language assistance on Wednesdays and by appointment
  • Out of hours appointments to Disability Support Service and Access Students
  • Workshops, modules and competitions

We Help With:

  • Avoiding plagiarism
  • Brainstorming your essay topic and outline
  • Developing your thesis statement
  • Editing and proofreading techniques
  • Improving sentence structure and punctuation
  • Structuring an argument
  • Using secondary sources

We Do Not:

  • Assess essays or comment on the grades they received
  • Do the work for you, but support you in becoming a better writer
  • Judge anyone for any writing issues
  • Work as proofreaders, but we can teach you to proofread your work

We also support student writing through workshops, modules, and competitions.

If you have been unable to get an appointment or if you have other queries, contact us at or at

Irina Ruppo-Malone

Irina Ruppo-Malone

Academic Writing Centre Manager
Email: irina.ruppoAt
091 49 5697