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We provide resources for Open and Digital Research, offering tools, repositories, primary research materials, and platforms to help researchers and scholars with research projects.

Archive Search >

Find what archival material we have available. Browse and search within all the archives we have listed.

Digital Collections >

This digital repository manages, preserves, and provides access to University of Galway's research, archives, special collections, and other holdings. 

Digital Exhibitions >

Our digital exhibitions showcase digital narratives and rich collections. Browse all our digital exhibitions.

Open Repository for University of Galway Publications >

The University of Galway Research Repository is the Institutional Open Research Repository for the University of Galway and encourages open access to the University of Galway research outputs.


Open Educational Resources >

Find what OER content we have for teaching and research. You can author and publish your own OER. You can also use or reuse existing global OER.

Open Research Initiatives (National and International best practice)

  • Ireland’s National Action Plan for Open Research (NORF: the plan outlines objectives and actions for the next chapter in Ireland’s transition towards open research. It serves as a roadmap for the implementation of open research across Ireland)
  • SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition): A global coalition committed to making open the default for research and education.
  • OpenAIRE is a network supporting open scholarly communication and the implementation of Open Science in Europe.
  • COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) is a global association that brings together repository initiatives.