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Irish Travellers / Mincéirs Archives  

Mincéirs Archive is an archive of a growing collection of all types, complemented by historical documents and scholarly texts. This collection focuses on Irish Travellers from the 1960s when Ireland transformed socially, economically and culturally; its impacts on the nomadic indigenous community and the dawn of the Traveller rights movement in Ireland and Europe.  The collection contains items related to Traveller human rights, education, employment, accommodation, music, folklore and photographs of the community. In addition, it also includes material from current resources located within existing catalogues and collections including the Ritchie-Pickow and the Joe Burke Collections.  

The project began in November 2021 as part of the celebrations which followed on from the 175th anniversary of the foundation of the University in 1845. Led by Mr Owen Ward, EDI Programme Manager for Race Equality and Kieran Hoare, Archivist, the research and digitisation of the Mincéirs Archives was one of six projects sponsored by the Office of the University President through a special fund to record and share our institutional history. 

Can I visit the Mincéirs Archive? 

The archives is open to Irish Travellers, the university community and the public, for further information please email

Would you like to donate to the Mincéirs Archives? 

We strongly welcome donations of resources related to Irish Travellers to the archives from members of current or retired staff. Resources could include photographs, videos, audio recordings, papers, notes, books, posters and to discuss further please contact Mr. Owen Ward, EDI Programme Manager for Race Equality at