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Being Digital

The library’s strategy prioritises Being Digital. Our work in Digital Heritage is to embrace technology to preserve our archives and special collections, and to make that content more accessible to all audiences.

Our objectives are to enable researchers to access material remotely, create transformative ways of interrogating information, and offer innovative visitor experiences.

We provide a suite of services that includes digitisation, metadata and publication, content creation, technology to support access, infrastructure to support preservation.

We have practice-based expertise on our team and can offer advice/partnership on digital scholarship projects. Please contact us on if you would like to discuss a project.

We can help with:

  • Advice on best practice standards
  • Advice on digital rights management
  • Advice on material that is born digital
  • Archives and special collections
  • Digital exhibition creation and curation
  • Digital preservation
  • Hosting and publication
  • Metadata creation and enhancement

Any Questions

Brendan Duffy

Brendan Duffy

Digitisation Assistant
Email: brendan.duffyAt
091 49 4108

Eimhin Joyce

Eimhin Joyce

Digital Projects Officer
Email: joyceeAt
091 49 3399

Aisling Keane

Aisling Keane

Digital Archivist
Email: aisling.keaneAt
091 49 4486